Here's what we did...
1. I placed a sheet of contact paper and a black outline on each student's desk (see previous post for a link to Lindsey's blog).
2. I gave the students the orange, yellow, and white tissue paper squares and let them "go to town" creating their candy corn.
3. Students *carefully* cut out their candy corn.
4. Hung them in our windows and gawked at our new Halloween decorations.
Here are a few pictures.
The finished product (before he cut it out).
I really wish I could show you his face because he is chEEEEsin' in this picture!
He was so proud!
The kiddos did a great job and they turned out really good.
(Please ignore the dirty window and the awful view we have.)
Check out The Teacher Wife for the patterns and a tutorial for the way she completed this project.
Have a great night,

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